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  • ELASTONICS - From the lab to the wave basin facility

    Soon in the ocean ? From the laboratory to the wave basin facility at Ifremer, wave control scales up with Antonin Eddi and Marc Fermigier. More details
  • Opening position - Assistant Professor

    Opening of an assistant professor position at Université de Paris with the following research profile : « Physics, Mechanics and Engineering of living matter ». More details here
  • PRL Editor’s suggestion - about dew condensing

    Dew condensing on an inclined, grooved surface rapidly forms large drops that roll quickly to the bottom for collection. Collecting dew could provide people with clean, fresh water in areas where it is scarce. Under the right conditions, a (...)

  • Baromorphs: pneumatic shape morphing elastomers

    Although bending a sheet of paper into a cylinder or a conical hat is quite easy, bending the same sheet in two simultaneous directions is not possible without crumples. However Nature is full of structures that are initially planar, but adopt (...)

  • Study shows glass surfaces retain memory

    A study published today has revealed that glass surfaces can retain a memory of the direction of flow of the glass in its past liquid state. This surprising conclusion is the result of a collaboration between scientists from the Optoelectronics (...)

  • Des surfaces ultra glissantes bioinspirées

    Inspirés par une plante carnivore qui capture des fourmis en les faisant glisser sur sa paroi, des scientifiques du Laboratoire PMMH (ESPCI Paris / PSL / CNRS) et du LadHyX (Ecole Polytechnique / CNRS) ont récemment étudié un nouveau type de (...)

  • On the cover of PRL !

    The recent work on the Marangoni Bursting, by L. Keiser, H. Bense, P. Colinet, J. Bico and E. Reyssat, has been selected to be on the cover of Physical Review Letters. Abstract: Adjusting the wetting properties of water through the addition of a (...)

  • ESPCI Paris Distinguished Professor : David Quéré à l’honneur

    Le 29 novembre 2016, l’École Supérieure de Physique et de Chimie Industrielles de la Ville de Paris – ESPCI Paris – a attribué le Titre de ESPCI Paris Distinguished Professor à 3 de ses chercheurs. Reconnue pour l’excellence de son Enseignement et de (...)

  • A Cascade of droplets in a mixture of molten glass

    Researchers from CNRS, ESPCI Paris, and Saint-Gobain used a 3D imaging technique of X-ray micro-tomography to follow the evolution of a mixture of molten glass at high temperature. They shed new light on an original mechanism of liquids (...)

  • ERC Consolidator Grant for A. Lindner

    Congratulations to Anke Lindner, who has been awarded an ERC Consolidator Grant 2016 for her project PaDyFlow devoted to the study of particle dynamics in the flow of complex suspensions. PaDyFlow Project abstract: Particle laden flows are (...)
