
Le séminaire hebdomadaire du laboratoire PMMH a lieu tous les vendredis à 11h, au premier étage Barre Cassan, campus Jussieu (plan).

Contact :
Sylvain Patinet
Stéphane Perrard
Etienne Reyssat
Virgile Thiévenaz
responsables-seminaires (arobase) pmmh.espci.fr

75005 PARIS

Tel : (33) 1 40 79 45 22

Séminaire PMMH - Ko Okumura (Ochanomizu University, Tokyo)

Vendredi 14 juin de 11h00 à 12h00 - Salle réunion PMMH 1

A hydrodynamic analog of critical phenomena : an uncountably infinite number of universality classes

When a solid object starts falling into a viscous fluid from air-liquid interface, air is entrained into the liquid and eventually detaches from the solid. Such detachment could occur with or without topological change. Recently, it was found that the former case (i.e., breakup, a form of singular transitions) is observed in a confined geometry but the topology change is suppressed in a more confined geometry, by falling a metal disk in a vertically stood Hele-Shaw cell filled with a viscous liquid with the disk axis perpendicular to the direction of gravity. In this talk, we discuss the results when we tune a confinement parameter, the thickness difference between the cell and the disk, with fixing another confinement parameter, the disk thickness. As a result, we find that the present hydrodynamic case possesses a strikingly close analogy with critical phenomena. Critical phenomena have widely been observed in nature, and the concept of universality class, which has emerged from our understanding of critical phenomena, has guided the recent development of physics. Accordingly, identifying a rich variety of universality class is a major issue in modern physics. Here, we remarkably find the present hydrodynamic analog of critical phenomena reveals the existence of an uncountably infinite number of universality classes, by showing critical exponents that define a universality class depend on continuous numbers characterizing the confinement.

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Séminaires  (4)

  • Séminaire PMMH - François Graner (Laboratoire MSC & Université Paris-Cité))
    Vendredi 13 septembre de 11h00 à 12h00 - Salle réunion PMMH 1
    Should we forbid scientific research ?
    Economic growth is not sustainable. Research, which is one of the pillars of economic growth, contributes to current environmental disasters and social inequalities. Conversely, research is often presented as part of the solution : many institutions and actors call for more funding of research to fuel so-called (...)
  • Séminaire PMMH - Avin Babataheri (Ladhyx)
    Vendredi 20 septembre de 11h00 à 12h00 - Salle réunion PMMH 1
    1D confinement controls cell shape and migration
    Pericytes are mural cells of the microvasculature, they wrap around small vessels, support the vessels mechanically and participate in blood flow regulation. Pericytes are distinguished by two main characteristics ; first their distinct morphology, which has been likened to a “bump on a log”, as they present long (...)
  • Séminaire PMMH - Avin Babataheri (Ladhyx)
    Vendredi 20 septembre de 11h00 à 12h00 - Salle réunion PMMH 1
    1D confinement controls cell shape and migration
    Pericytes are mural cells of the microvasculature, they wrap around small vessels, support the vessels mechanically and participate in blood flow regulation. Pericytes are distinguished by two main characteristics ; first their distinct morphology, which has been likened to a “bump on a log”, as they present long (...)
  • Séminaire PMMH - Souhayl Sadik from (Aarhus University)
    Vendredi 27 septembre de 11h00 à 12h00 - Salle réunion PMMH 1
    Nonlinear Anisotropic Viscoelasticity
    In this work, we revisit the mathematical foundations of nonlinear viscoelasticity. We study the un- derlying geometry of viscoelastic deformations, and in particular, the intermediate configuration. Starting from the direct multiplicative decomposition of the deformation gradient F = FeFv, into elastic and (...)

Instructions générales pour les conférenciers

Le public du séminaire est très hétérogène (rien qu’au PMMH nous travaillons sur des thématiques très diverses, mécanique des fluides, des milieux granulaires, des solides, physique statistique, physique du mouillage, micro-fluidique, biophysique,...) l’objectif est donc de ne pas faire un séminaire trop spécialiste : au moins la première moitié du séminaire à un niveau accessible pour celui qui ne connaît rien sur le sujet.

Le séminaire a lieu à 11h. rendez-vous 15 minutes avant pour installer et tester la projection.

Le séminaire dure environ 45 minutes pour laisser un peu de temps pour discuter à la fin.

Lien vers séminaires café (internes, tous les jeudis)

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Informations Pratiques

Laboratoire : 01 40 79 45 22
Directeur : Damien Vandembroucq
Codirecteur : Philippe Petitjeans
Administratrice : Frédérique Auger (01 40 79 45 22)
Gestionnaire : Claudette Barez (01 40 79 58 53)
Courriel : dir (arobase) pmmh.espci.fr